Hey Golden Ratio Alumni, how has being in FIRST and on this team impacted you?
Collective Impact Summary:
Scholarships Directly from FIRST: $43,000 in total
Scholarships Indirectly from FIRST: ~$366,000 in total
Jobs received from being on the Golden Ratio: two Engineering Jobs
Jordan Massey
Being in FIRST has changed how I view engineering, how I view teams, and how I see the world. It has given me skills and experience with CAD, machining, teamwork, engineering, communication, and so much more. But besides motivating me to adopt and apply technical talents, FIRST has shown me how the sum of a team is far more than the individuals within it. The Golden Ratio became family for me, and as we poured in our time and energy, it was amazing to see not just how everyone worked together to create magnificent designs but to change each other and the world around us in a positive way. We built more than just competitive robots, we built up the communities around us, the people around us, and made memories to last a lifetime. We walked through fire, it wasn’t always easy, but it has shaped who I am for the better.
Years on Team: 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus), 2018-2017 (Relic Recovery)
Major: Mechanical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Impacts of being a Golden Ratio Member: Internships at Coilcraft and Swiss Automation, Employee of Coilcraft
Scholarships Received Directly Because of FIRST: $40,000 in total
Trevor Ryan
First and foremost, being on this team has been the best and most influential experience of my high school career, and possibly of my entire life thus far. I have gained a plethora of useful technical skills in designing, building, and CAD, as well as many soft skills in documentation, marketing, communication, fundraising, and presentation. But far more importantly than that, I’ve helped to build a community. Two years ago when I decided to start this team, I never foresaw what a success it would be. I never thought I would be at super regionals on our rookie year, and I had no idea how much I would come to love robotics, but even more so the people on my team. These people are like a family to me, we’ve been through good and rough times together, but all along the way we’ve had so much fun and made so many priceless memories. I’ll never forget the conversations while sitting in the hot tub at super regionals, the partying at Robo Prom, the stories around the bonfires, the bowling outings, and even me and Jordan’s all-nighter robot build sessions. Robotics hasn’t been easy, but I love every second of it; these memories mean the world to me.
Years on Team: 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus), 2018-2017 (Relic Recovery)
Impacts of being a Golden Ratio Member: Employee of Coilcraft
Aidan McCarthy
Before joining this team, I had only an inkling of what I wanted to do for college and a career. I joined the team to see if engineering was something I would enjoy for a college major and got far more than simply a college major out of it. Through working on this team, I’ve expanded not only my knowledge of engineering, but also my knowledge of marketing, graphic design, CAD, and communications. I’ve also had the privilege of competing with an amazing group of talented, smart, kind people to create an awesome robot and to reach out and help others and build community interest in STEM fields. My life will be forever changed by this team.
Years on Team: 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus)
Major: Art Studies and Engineering at North Carolina State University
Daniel March
Before joining FIRST my only career aspirations were to do something with math. Now after participating I’ve learned a lot. I gained understanding in programming with constant hands on experience. I’ve also learned how to work as a team striving together to reach a common goal. FIRST has also given me lots of opportunities, I’ve been able to meet with professionals in the field I want to enter and have gotten to see what they do on a daily basis. Lastly, FIRST has given me a look into the world of STEM and how to operate in that sphere. Without FIRST I would still be directionless, not knowing what I want to learn, now I’ve gained insight into programming and STEM, and I hope to learn more.
Years on Team: 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus), 2018-2017 (Relic Recovery)
Major: Computer Science at Biola University
Robotics has heavily influenced me. From FLL to FTC, I have learned a lot about programming and engineering. When I joined the Golden Ratio, I only knew some block-programming for FLL; FTC and the Golden Ratio have really expanded my view on STEM. I have learned to program Java; I’ve learned how to use GitHub; I have started learning other programming languages on my own, and I have made many friends and connections. I now hope to learn more as I move on to college, studying Computer Science.
Years on Team: 2020-2019 (SkyStone), 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus), 2018-2017 (Relic Recovery)
Major: Computer Science at Wheaton College
Robotics has been the biggest part of my life for the last 5 years. It has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. Before FTC I knew a bit of programming but didn’t have much hands-on experience. It has really given me a lot of great skills both technical and soft that I will use for the rest of my life. It has also given me some amazing opportunities. I had the amazing opportunity to compete at state all 5 years, compete in Iowa 3 times for the North Super Regionals, qualify for Worlds in Detroit 3 times, and even compete in Australia. I had the opportunity to tour companies and talk to amazing engineers. I also gained a lot of lifelong friends. The robotics community has truly become my second family. I have made many amazing friends on the team, on other teams, and volunteers that I will be friends with for a lifetime. I plan to continue mentoring teams and volunteer through college and long after.
Years on the team: 2020-2019 (SkyStone), 2019-2018 (Rover Ruckus)
Major: Mechanical Engineering at Milwaukee School of Engineering
I have learned so much from this team! I have been challenged in CAD, building, and communicating with others, and have learned a lot about public speaking and marketing a team. I found somewhere I could put all the STEM I learned in school to good use, and build upon it. My skills with SolidWorks, building, testing, and problem solving have grown, and I have grown into someone more prepared for college and the workforce. There are many wonderful people on this team and I found a group I could hang out with anytime. I have been able to connect with numerous professionals to help me learn about engineering careers. I now am so proud to be a build mentor for this team as an alumni and excited to learn more about engineering and robotics.
Years on the team: 2020-2021 (Ultimate Goal)
Major: Aerospace Engineering, University of Alabama, Huntsville
Impacts of being a Golden Ratio Member: Rockwell Collins Internship
Years on the team: 2019-2020 (SkyStone), 2020-2021 (Ultimate Goal)
Years on the team: 2019-2020 (SkyStone), 2020-2021 (Ultimate Goal)