Robotics Boot Camp

Robotics Boot Camp

This boot camp was designed as a free outreach to the community to learn more about FTC, robots, and STEM.  It was also a way to recruit and train people for our team and to help them decide what they would like to do on our team. Our mentors, alumni, and our returning team members got to teach and share what they’ve learned from this team during various subteam meetings, full team meetings, and just though getting to know the team as a whole. This boot camp also gave our coaches, mentors, and returning members a chance to bond with the recruits and see how they work together as a team through team building activities.  

We were able to teach everyone about all the aspects of FTC, design, CAD, build, and program a mini-robot in seven days! We also had all the team members practice maintaining an engineering notebook for this project. Thanks for our alumni for designing and leading this great free camp to help fulfil our dream of community sustainability.