Aerospace Engineering with Mr. Heims from G.E. Aviation

Aerospace Engineering with Mr. Heims from G.E. Aviation

The goal for today was to gain insight as to what an aerospace engineer does and what the job is like.

  • What an aerospace engineer does
  • Learned how he was able to get more education while working through the GE Edison program
  • Learned what a day in the life of an Aerospace Engineer is like and what responsibilities he has
  • Learned some key aspects of engineering/aerospace like working with teams and how safety is important and events have implications

Some other interesting takeaways at our meeting are that many groups are involved with creating one product, new hires are expected to have certain skills, and the engineering design process is an important skill to have.  When interviewing for an engineering internship or job stress your deep involvement in something and your problem-solving skills rather than just a lot of activities.